
Monday, January 21, 2019

Korey Nelson, Student Work

Red Oak Wood
2" x 2" x 2"

My memento represents a place in my childhood - my grandmothers house. Through the use of texture and material, I aimed to call forward the memories of my grandmother's wooden porch outside her house. The shape and structure of the sculpture represents the handicap ramp and the overall structure of the area. The smell of the location, which is so foreign to me now that I could not begin to describe it, was an aspect of the piece I wanted to include. The red oak used provided a strong smell that was substituted for the original smell of the location. The warm and welcoming smell of a strong wood added emotional depth to the structure and connected it through time and space to an event in my past that was incredibly specific. Furthermore, the use of the fragmented and bridge-like form of the memento worked well in representing a porch deck, one that is inconsistent, uneven, but stable.

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