Thursday, December 15, 2016

Fall 2018


  • Masking Tape Shoes
  • Touch 
  • Balsa Wood Small Sculptures
  • Soap Carving
  • Fluxus Box (includes a Research Packet)
  • On Longing
  • Memento (includes a Research Packet)
  • Identity Map Relief (includes a Research Packet)
  • 3D to 2D Image
  • Personal Blog

The following information can be found on this blog, right side-bar, alphabetical order. 
  • Assignment Guidelines
  • Artist Examples
  • Student Examples
  • Reading Sources* 
*Touch Reading in required book, A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman. I also have the book on reserve in the library. 

The following course information can be found on CANVAS.
  • Evaluation Criteria for all assignments
  • Research Packets

In addition to posting the Evaluation and Research Packets on Canvas, I will have a few hard copies available in class (first come/first serve basis). 

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