Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Visual Symbols Assignment Guidelines


Two air-dry clay sculptures that reference the figure and incorporate symbols to visually communicate content and meaning. 


Introduce subtractive approach to creating form and volume as well as hand building methods with a clay based material. Challenge students to use elements and principles to visually communicate content and meaning. 


  • Amaco Air Dry Clay, White
    • Must use this clay. Extra clay in the studio if needed.
  • Clay Tools 
    • Available in the studio. Or you may use your own.
  • Banning Wheel
    • All students use a banning wheel so they may develop a three-dimensional sculpture. Available in the studio. 
  • Paper Towels
    • Place a paper towel between clay sculpture and banning wheel. Available in the studio. Clay will stick to banning wheel if you place directly on wheel. 
  • Plastic Bags
    • Need a clean, no food, bag to place over clay sculpture while working. The bag will keep your clay wet so you can continue working. Some bags available in studio. Please bring your own if possible.


  • Before beginning sculptures, complete semiotics homework. See document in file section in Canvas. 

  • Sculpture #1 - Subtractive Method
    • Reference a figurative bust (shoulders, head). 
    • Incorporate one symbol into the sculpture by attaching or carving. 
    • Sculpture should be between 4 and 6 inches in height. 

  • Sculpture #2 - Choice of Subtractive or Hand Building
    • Reference a full figure in the form of organic shapes. 
    • If you decide to incorporate limbs, must build onto the main "torso" form. Do not have limbs that extend, the clay will break. 
    • Create ten (10) small scale symbols to accompany the sculpture. Subtractive or hand building. 
      • Symbols must be three-dimension. Do not make "flat" shapes. Must have height, width and depth. 
      • Symbols can be all the same or vary. 
      • Symbols must be separate forms (not attached). 
      • Choose from the following:
        • Create a cavity in the "torso" and place forms in cavity.
        • Arrange symbols around the "figure". 
        • Attach symbols to string/thread and drape over "figure".
        • Create small holes in sculpture, attach symbol forms to wire, place wire in holes when all forms dry. 
    • Sculpture should be between 4 and 6 inches in height. 

  • Consider these decisions for both sculptures. 
    • Figurative can be interpreted - does not have to be human figure. 
    • Tilt of head (with our without facial features) is suggestive of emotion. 
    • Will you include facial features? What does a sculpture visually communicate if not eyes? Mouth? 

Artist Inspiration:

Go to right column index and search "Visual Symbols Artist Inspiration". If on your phone and don't see right column, scroll to bottom and click "web version". Can also go to link below.


What to put on your blog:

Refer to document "Blog Checklist" in File section in Canvas. 

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