Saturday, November 19, 2022

African American Miniature Museum, Founded by Folk Artist Karen Collins

Take a look at the work of Karen Collins. While the work does not include, 
you can find inspiration for the social commentary component 
of our assignment Figurative Bust Sculpture. 

The artist, Karen Collins. 

Folk artist Karen Collins, over the course of 24 years, has created a pictoral view of black history through dioramas placed in shadowboxes.

From the very beginning of the journey - the Middle Passage to America - up to Barack Obama and Kendrick Lamar, Karen’s miniatures bring clarity and vibrance in the telling of black history.

The museum began as a mobile project in the 90’s, when Karen took her work to schools, libraries, churches and community centers, as a way to bring both the many triumphs and the horrors of black history to a generation of children that sorely needed a sense of self and context.

See more on website. 
Link below:


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