Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Shawna Huskey, Student Work

Digital Illustration

"Ultimately, tattoos make unique the surface of one's self, embody one's secret dreams, adorn with magic emblems the Altamira of the flesh." (Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of the Senses, pg. 100).

The illustration is to show touch in a physical and emotional way. This shows how the skin is a unique fabric to stitch into. Tattoos are seen as the patchwork to the body, hence the phrase, 'don't be sad, get a tattoo'. They are also a form of self-expression and one's identity through the artistry of a needle. I thought to take inspiration from the quote and my own interpretation to create this image I saw in my mind. Much like how patchwork quilts are made with love in their stitches, so are tattoos.


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