Saturday, June 8, 2019

Serina Stratton, Student Work

Let Me Out of the Kitchen
Foam core, paper, glue, white spray paint, and black ink.
2.5'  x  1'  x  8"

This spacial blueprint was created to represent one of my work spaces as a chef. I work in a small kitchen for at least eight hour intervals. I am constantly making, plating, and running food. The circle represents the hectic environment. I carved shapes that represented appliances the kitchen: a dish washing station, a hot and a cold table, a flat top grill, and a press grill. The hand reaching out of the enclosed space represents me in the kitchen space.Though I like my job very much, there have been times when I felt like I was trapped in a cycle of making food. I used paper to wrap the vine like forms around the arm and on the appliances so I could further illustrate the feeling of restraint.

In process:

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