Thursday, February 28, 2019


A box set edition containing 20 silkscreen prints,
event cards, an island survival kit, a rubberstamp, artistamps, tickets,
a painted postcard and various objects

This is an homage to fluxus artists and artists closely connected to it.
Prints are by Francis Van Maele and Antic-Ham (Franticham)
à la manière de:
John Cage, Joseph Beuys, George Brecht, Robert Filliou, Dick Higgins, Ray Johnson, 
Alison Knowles, George Maciunas, Yoko Ono, Nam June Paik, Dieter Roth, 
Daniel Spoerri, Ben Vautier & Emmett Williams

29 x 40 cm
69 copies signed and numbered
320 euros / 420 $ / 265 UK Pd

Order by email at
or by payment with PayPal

320 euros / 420 $ / 265 UK Pd


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