Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Rachel Lee, Student Work

Title: 'Funky Bee Keeper'
Principle of Design: Pattern
Materials: Balsa Wood, Wood Glue, Found Wood (from an old door), Masking Tape, and Hot Glue.
Dimensions: 15" x 13.5" x 7" (Width" x Height" x Depth")

Title: 'Chaos Contained'
Principle of Design: Repetition
Materials: White and Brown Paper, Packaging Tape, Found Wood Pieces, and Hot Glue.
Dimensions: 8" x 9" x 4" (Width" x Height" x Depth")
I was inspired by encapsulating the feeling of having to hold all of your thoughts and emotions on the inside while not letting it show from the outside (and the repetitive nature of this action). From this idea I was interested in the relationships that could be created with clear packaging tape and paper. I tore up pieces of paper and let them soak in water overnight. While letting the pieces of paper dry, I started to make sheets of the packaging tape and found a template of a multi-faced triangular form. I then used the template to cut out both the paper and packaging tape forms. Before sealing the packaging tape forms, I thought it would be a nice addition to show repetition by adding the soaked paper into the form itself.  

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