Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Alighiero Boetti, Artist


Boetti scratched his signature across the ridges of a sheet of corrugated cardboard with his fingernail, then cast the sheet in iron twice (making one regular and one mirror-image version). Language was a fundamental means of visual expression for the artist; here his signatures function as a double self-portrait. At this time, Boetti was becoming interested in the idea of twinning himself.

Cubo (Cube). 1968
Wood, polystyrene, steel rods, aluminum, fiberglass, cardboard, plastic, glass, rubber, wire wool and glue in Plexiglas box. 35 7/16 x 35 7/16 x 35 13/16" (90 x 90 x 91 cm). Inhotim Collection, Minas Gerais, Brazil. © 2012 Estate of Alighiero Boetti/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/SIAE, Rome

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