Sunday, April 24, 2016

Traveling Structure Assignment Guidelines

Using limited materials construct a sculpture inspired by architecture. The sculpture is required to move through space via remote control. 

Expose students to historical time periods. Challenge the student to observe and analyze elements and principles apparent in three-dimension. Expose student to the processes needed to develop an individual idea. 

In order to solve the challenge of the sculpture being mobile, you will be building the sculpture to fit on top of a remote control monster truck. 

The following materials MUST be used to build the structure. The materials MUST appear as design elements in the final solution. The materials MUST be used with innovation.  Some suggestions are listed under each material. You do not have to use my suggestions – you may invent your own innovative solution. No colored ink, paper, markers, etc… The amount of each material is your choice. Mark the checklist so I am aware of how you used each material and turn in with your final solution. 

1.  White Foam Board (in your kit). Option – purchase additional at any thickness. Can also purchase black foam board.
                        Score it
                        Stack it
                        Sew into it
2.  White Rives Paper (in your kit). Option - purchase black paper.
                        Fold it - to transform or use creases as an element
                        Stack it 
                        Weave it
                        Sew it
                        Cut into it (paper cutting)
                        Peg and Hole
                        Build a three-dimensional form
3.  Balsa Wood (in your kit). Option – use another wood besides balsa – tons of scrap in woodshop.
                        Cut it
                        Carve it
                        Sand it
                        Sew into it
                        Stain it
                        Sew into it
                        Emboss it
4.  Clear Packing Tape (in your kit) AND/OR Trace Paper (in the studio, cabinet left of computer). 
                        Roll it (inside out and stick together to make another form)
                        Roll it into a long, tubular form
                        Twist it (into a linear form)
                        Layer it
                        Put something in-between it
5.  Elmers Wood Glue AND/OR Gel Medium AND/OR Gesso (all three in your kit). Hot glue is also you can build up layers of glue to create form. 
                        Mix it with ink for marbling effect
                        Paint layers, peel off for another plane (wood glue and gel medium work best). 
6.  Black Ink (Winsor Newton brand in your kit) AND/OR Black Ballpoint Pen/Sharpie. 
                        Dye it (paper or wood or string)
                        Drip it
7.  A linear material such as white/black/grey thread, wire, string, skewer sticks. Hot glue can also be used in a linear form.
                        Sew with it
                        Dye it in the ink
                        Use it to wrap
                        Embed in glue/gel medium
                        Put in-between clear tape or trace paper
                        Allow to extend beyond main form and onto/into wall/floor
                        Hang objects (that you make) from it
8.  Mask Tape (in your kit). 
                        Twist (to make rope/string)
                        Layer it
                        Wrap it
                        Shred it
                        Roll it
                        Make another form out of it
                        Use it to make graphic shapes/lines
                        Crumple into balls
                        Cut a pattern into it

The following materials are necessary for construction:
    1. Straight pins (with a flat head).
    2. Box cutter/utility knife (must use to cut foam core and balsa).
    3. Can use glue to attach elements as long as it does not show. Use the Elmers Wood Glue. 

    RESEARCH, Part I:
    • Select at least three architectural time periods. 
    • I have started the research process for you regarding time periods.  You can find the information in the right column under "Traveling Structure Research" or "Architecture Research". 
    • Find an image for each time period/style. Print out all three images and bring to class. Option, bring laptop to class and present research on your laptop.
    • Important - Research Imagery due the day after I assign the project. We will discuss each student's research in class. 
    • Site sources for all info images.

    RESEARCH, Part II:
    • Complete the Elements and Principles Assignment. You can find the guidelines in the right column, under "Elements and Principles Assignment Gudielines". 


    • Find at least three different artist's whose work you find inspiring.  
    • See the artists I have listed under "Traveling Structure Research" in the right column.
    • I have a Pinterest board entitled "Sculpture Line" that can be helpful. Here is the link.
    • Print out research and bring to class. Option - bring laptop to class and present research on your laptop. 
    • Important - Research Imagery due the day after I assign the project. We will discuss each student's research in class. 
    • Site all sources and clearly label each piece of research accordingly. For example, "Traveling Structure Inspiration 1 of 3". 

    Step 1:
    Complete Research Part I.
    Step 2:
    Complete Research Part II.
    Step 3:
    Complete Research Part III.
    Step 4:
    In class demo on how to score foam board, cut balsa wood, use straight pins and a few other tricks.
    Step 5:
    Present research in class and discuss. Jot down notes/ideas/sketches. 
    Step 6:
    Begin construction of base/foundation. 
    Step 7:
    Continue to build up (vertical). Be mindful of the height and width ratio.

    The following information is required for the Digital Journey Assignment:
    • Photographs
      • At least one in process photo. 
      • At least three professional photo's of the final solution. Include at least one detail shot. A video is helpful for this assignment since the sculpture is able to move via remote control. 
    • Research (particular to each assignment)
      • Research Part I. Architecture Time Periods.
      • Research Part II. Elements and Principles Assignment.
      • Research Part III. Inspiration Images. 
      • Photographs of any notes or sketches are optional. 
    • Artist Statement
      •  Writing must demonstrate collegiate writing skills. Writing demonstrates time and effort. Writing demonstrates content, reflective thought and intellect. Writing is free of grammar, punctuation and spelling errors.

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