Saturday, December 27, 2014

Education for All by Brian Cuellar

HONORABLE MENTION – Education for All by Brian Cuellar (Colombia)
In many parts of the world the education programs are inadequate, mostly in the third world countries. This right does not reach the most vulnerable communities. It has been said before but education IS the key to solving all our problems, even poverty.
Education for All is based around a book-mobile. Most impoverished children in the world have never even see a book. The system has storage for books, didactic materials, and lesson plans. It can be transported by a truck, motorcycle or even a helicopter to the most remote regions. It is made in fiber glass which doubles as a wonderful white board to conduct lessons with.


1 comment:

  1. This right does not reach the most vulnerable communities. It has been said before but education IS the key to solving all our problems, even poverty.
