Monday, January 20, 2014

A Few Of My Favorite Things, Student Work

Cheyenne Pitts
Coffee - I'm one of those coffee addict drinkers who drinks about three to four cups of coffee throughout the entire day. Even while I'm getting ready for bed I'll still be chugging my last o' so sweet cup of coffee. Coffee is by far one of my favorite things, and my favorite way to make it is with Delight Cinnabon creamer and no sugar. The combination taste like warm milky cinnamon roll coffee. Yum!

Camera - I honestly believe the camera is one of the most amazing inventions out there today. I love all of the different possibilities it can capture and bring to life. Not only can it capture any image or video in this world that you want, but with the right software you can combine, distort, duplicate, crop, past, or do just about anything to create an incredible piece of artwork.

Sketch book - What artist doesn't love their sketch book? One of my all-time favorite things to do is to go to the beach, kick back in a nice chair, and sketch whatever my imagination is filled with that day. Sketching is fun and usually my sketches will always manage to make me laugh.

Anthony - Anthony is my best friend here at Flagler and is on the top of my favorites list. He is almost an exact replica of myself, but just in dude form. He became my favorite once I realized we both love doing the exact same things; art, design, creating, inventing, music, movies, basketball, working out, and eating delicious food. We ultimately have a blast together and have been hanging out every day since.

Basketball - Basketball is such a ferocious sport. It contains diving, blocking, running, shooting, juking, striping, passing, defending, posting, and a lot of falling. I've been playing on a team with my best friends since the 6th grade. After practically living on the basketball court in high school , it finally paid off for me and my teammates after we took our tiny school in Oklahoma all the way to the state tournament. Although sadly I didn't win a championship ring, I still experienced some of the best memories with my coaches and teammates.

Vector Art - I would have to say vectoring would be my newest discovery on my favorites list. Last year, when I learned how to turn my drawings into bright colored digital art, I just fell in love. I started practicing with illustrator tools, watching youtube tutorials, and I even bought several books. I still vector every chance I get the free time.

Gold Eye Shadow/ Mascara - "The eyes are the nipples of the face," according to Anna Faris from the movie "The House Bunny." I always thought this quote was pretty funny, but I do have to agree with Anna, the eyes are the most important when applying makeup. I love the creativity and freedom you can explore when you start to put on eye makeup. There's so many different options, from neutral, to gradient, to smokey, bright, glitter, or even cat eyes when you apply liner. My everyday favorite is using a light gold eye shadow right in the corners of my eyes.

Chelsea Reppin
1. Canon AE-1 Film
A gift from my mother. Because the simple always outlives the complicated. 
2. Madina Lake Note
High school was most notably a blur of rock concerts featuring old friends.
3. Mannequins Album
The album of Singaporean (and crazy in the best way possible) folk group, Monster Cat. They moonlight as Graphic Designers and are proud owners of the greatest cat in existence.
4. Loose Leaf Tea
If I have a ‘happy place’ it’s found in mugs full of herbal tea.
5. Vintage Samsonite Suitcase
Because living out of a suitcase at 21 isn’t so bad when it’s almost triple your age, and quite aesthetically pleasing.

Marcela Shull
My Favorite things:
These are 7 objects that I hold dear to my heart and that have sentimental value. The watercolors are to keep color in my life.The ceramic cupcake is to remind me of friends as well as to keep me from eating it. The bottle of yellow is for happiness. The teaballs are to keep me awake where coffee fails. The cluster of stones is to heal my soul. The lentils is to remind me where I come from. And the present is to remind me of the here and now.

Abbey Osley

1. A pair of glasses - My eye sight had been perfect for years, until I started to have trouble seeing road signs while driving at night. I now have to wear glasses daily, especially for my art classes. They have become my new companion.

2. A Browning pocketknife - I got my first pocket knife when I was 11 years old and upgraded to this one a couple years ago. This is a reminder of my dad and how much I am the boy he never had. 

3. A vintage ring - This ring was passed down from my great, great aunt, to my grandmother, to my mom, and then to me. I wear it almost everyday and it represents how close I am connected to my family.

4. A picture of my dog - From the day I got Zoe on my 6th birthday, she was my best friend. Like all dogs, she was great at keeping secrets. She was almost 13 years old when my dad called me and told me that he had to put her down last semester. 

5. A wooden cigar box - This is also a reminder of my dad since he smokes cigars and gave me this box. This is where I keep all of my notes, doodles, ideas, and important thoughts. 

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