Friday, February 8, 2013

Student Work, Alex McNutt, Memento Assignment

Balsa Wood, Yellow Yarn, Yellow Paint
Measures 3" x 1.5" x 2"

I created this box to represent my memories of the van my parents had when I was a child. We called the van Colonel Mustard because it was yellow. In the back of the van were two, long wooden bench seats covered in golden yellow shag carpet. I have many fond memories of riding in this van. My souvenir I used is a little toy van that my mother gave me that looks quite similar to Colonel Mustard. 

I made a box to represent the wooden box seats and the idea that a van is much like a box, a mobile box, in which you sit and go from place to place. A small piece of wood is wedged into the lid to keep the lid open.

Yellow Yarn
To represent the yellow shag carpet and visually suggest the warm fuzzy memories of our family vehicle.

I spray painted the box yellow because I wanted it to have a somewhat shiny finish similar to that of the van.

Note  from Laura - This is successful solution to the assignment. Poor quality photos do not allow the piece to succeed in visual images. 

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