Thursday, April 28, 2011

Secret Compartments Assignment

Spring 2011
Step 1 - Collect at least 10 images. Print out, copy from books or cut from magazines. Paste/tape in your moleskin. Images are to visually represent your interests and desires. Due Monday, March 21. Those that arrive without at least 10 images will be asked to leave class and take an absence.

Important!!! In addition to the 10 images, you need tape (any kind), scissors/exacto and white copy paper. These materials are needed for the in class assignment on Monday, March 21.

Stay tuned for the remaining steps to this assignment! Announcements made in class and instructions posted here on the blog.

March 25 - By now you should have completed all your research and created a maquette. The assignment is to construct a "container" that can house an object (ie: a three-dimensional form) and drawing(s) (ie: two-dimensional). The compartments for these two items must accommodate the length, width and height of the object and drawing(s). In addition, the compartments will be hidden. The object is created entirely by you. Drawings can be completed in any medium (pencil, ink, paint, digital).

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